The 2030 Calculator by Doconomy is a product carbon footprint tool that can be used by any product brand or manufacturer to quickly calculate the carbon footprint of their products based on the emissions created from manufacturing and transport up until the point of sale. The 2030 Calculator uses unique emissions factors for each of the product parts, material, packaging, transportation, as well as the energy consumed in the manufacturing process to determine its calculations. All calculations are cradle-to-gate and self-declared. In short: It’s the tool all responsible brands can use to do their part for a more sustainable future and business.

Doconomy is a Swedish impact-tech startup that aim to provide both consumers and brands with digital tools to help understand and reduce the climate impact of consumption. Doconomy has several services, one being ‘DO’, a mobile banking app that manages savings and promotes sustainable consumption by giving you a breakdown of your personal carbon footprint.

Lowering the carbon footprint connected to consumption is a joint effort between consumers and brands. For consumers to start understanding their CO2 footpint brands need to be transparent on a product level. And so far it has proven to be very difficult and costly for brands to find out their products impact. With regular LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) calculations it takes about 8 weeks to process one product and costs around $5000.

Doconomy is now providing a new tool that enables fast and reliable product carbon footprint calculations for brands and manufacturers. It’s called the ‘2030 Calculator‘ and is the world’s first free product carbon footprint calculation tool.

2030 Calculator aims to democratize product carbon footprint calculation and accelerate transparency and responsibility.

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Calculate your products:

External Partners
Designers: Niklas Rosén & Gustav Nordebrink

Web Development:


“I warmly welcome the 2030 Calculator
application. I am happy to see that climate
considerations remain at the heart of innovation.”

Patricia Espinosa
Executive Secretary of UN Climate Change