4 Ingredients US launch. General Snus is a Swedish spit less tobacco brand that has been around since 1866. It has a very unique story since it only contains 4 ingredients -  Salt, Water, Tobacco and a Citrus fruit. Great story to highlight for the launch in Los Angeles, a city where people are making conscious decisions about health, what they they consume and product’s ingeredients.

In a product category that is usually filled with bad design and oversized product shots we launched the campaign "4 Ingredients" and took our product to the fashion world. We made a music video, opened a pop-up store and made a magazine, all of them focusing on 100% transparency of the product, highlighting the 4 ingredients.    

General Snus, a tobacco item has its roots in a variation of dry snuff that emerged in Sweden in the early 18th century. The product is inserted between the upper lip and gum and left there for prolonged periods, serving as a type of sublabial administration. Unlike fermented tobacco, snus is not fermented. Despite being used similarly to American dipping tobacco, snus usually doesn't lead to the necessity of spitting. Additionally, snus is different from naswar in that it is steam-pasteurized.

Music Video:


Ambassadors of pride


The cost of doing nothing